custom bash prompt

usage: $ export PS1='[arguments]'
example: $ export PS1='\u@\h \$'

arguments function
\d date (weekday month date)
\h hostname
\H hostname (domain)
\j number of jobs managed by shell
\l basename of the shell's terminal device name
\s name of the shell (basename of $0)
\t time (24h HH:MM:SS)
\T time (12h HH:MM:SS)
\@ time (12h am/pm)
\u username (current user)
\v bash version
\V bash release (version + patchlevel)
\w current working directory
\W current working directory (basename)
\! command history number
\# command number
\$ if root: show # (else $)
\nnn ASCII character (code nnn)
\n new line
\r carriage return
\e escape character (usually color code)
\a bell character
\\ backslash
\[ begin sequence of non-printing characters (like color escape sequences)
\] end sequence of non-printing characters

color codes

make sure to end the sequence of non-printing characters with \[\e[m\]
example: export PS1='\[\e[0;36m\][\[\e[0;35m\]\u\[\e[0;34m\]@\[\e[0;35m\]\\[\e[0;36m\]] \[\e[0;33m\]\w \! \[\e[0;31m\]\$\[\e[m\] '

argument color
\[\e[0;30m\] dark gray
\[\e[0;31m\] red
\[\e[0;32m\] green
\[\e[0;33m\] yellow
\[\e[0;34m\] blue
\[\e[0;35m\] purple
\[\e[0;36m\] cyan
\[\e[0;37m\] light gray
\[\e[1;30m\] blod dark gray
\[\e[1;31m\] blod red
\[\e[1;32m\] blod green
\[\e[1;33m\] blod yellow
\[\e[1;34m\] blod blue
\[\e[1;35m\] blod purple
\[\e[1;36m\] blod cyan
\[\e[1;37m\] blod light gray

make the changes persistent

for a single user:
edit the .profiles file in the user's home directory and add it at the bottom

for all non-root users:
(as root) create a bash script file in /etc/profile.d/ (e.g. /etc/profile.d/
and add export PROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1="[arguments]"'

reminder for me

not stolen